Organising committee

Bart de Pauw


Bart de Pauw is responsible for the quality and programming of the workshop Training and Courses. As the representative of ABTUS-BVOTS (the Belgian Tunneling Organisation) , expert from TUC Rail and lecturer at the University of Gent he has a long history in knowledge development and -sharing.

Ellen van Eijk


Ellen van Eijk is the secretary of the organising committee and is responsible for running day-to-day operations of the conference.

Fern van Efferink


Fern van Efferink is co-hosting the workshop Innovations. As part of the  Dutch Rijkswaterstaat organisation, involved in assetmangement and maintenance of tunnel, he brings the perspective of the Young Professional in this workshop

Jenne van der Velde


Jenne van der Velde and Ruud Smit are working for Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch agency for roads & traffic) and are responsible for international collaboration within CEDR. They are involved in the communication with and organization of the invited sessions.

Karim El Laham

Fugro Rail

Karim El Laham is co-hosting the workshop Monitoring. A part of Fugro Rail and one of the first PdEng’s Tunnels at the TU Delft he has monitoring and science in his core personality. He brings the perspective of the Young Professional in this workshop.

Karin de Haas


Karin de Haas is the Co-chair of the organising committee.

Lucas Van Acker

Agency for Roads and Traffic Flanders

Lucas van Acker is co-hosting the workshop Courses and Training. As part of the Flemish Road Authority AWV, he works as a tunnelcoordinator and is this daily involved in the issues of tunnelowners. . He brings the perspective of the Young Professional in this workshop.

Ruud Smit


Ruud Smit and Jenne van der Velde are working for RWS /NG Infra and are responsible for international collaboration within CEDR. They are involved in the communication with and organisation of the invited sessions.

Sallo van der Woude


Sallo van der Woude is the scientific liaison between the European Tunnel Forum workgroup on tunnelrenovation,  as part of the ITA World Tunneling Organisation. Sallo is a very experienced tunnelprojectmanager and works for Arcadis.

Steve Philips


Steve Philips is the Secretary-General at Conference of European Directors of Roads. He is responsible for the follow up of the Declaration of Dublin and thus deeply involved in both the invited sessions on the 17th of October and the plenary sessions on the 16th on the Beyond a tunnelconference

Urs Grunicke

UHG Consult

Urs Grunicke is responsible for the quality and programming of the workshop Innovations. As an active member of the EUTF working group on tunnel renovations and owner of UHG Consult he brings excellent technical and organisational skills at the Beyond-table. His experience as a guest lecturer at the Montanuniversität Leoben has already shown great help in getting a very interesting setup for his workshop.

Vanessa Di Murro


Vanessa di Mauro is responsible for the quality and programming of the workshop Monitoring. As an experienced asset manager at CERN, Switzerland, she brings the vision of the asset manager to the table. Her scientific background with a PhD from Cambridge University helped in shaping the workshop to the next level; not just inspiring pitches but an in depth discussion  with both the guests and the pitchers themselves.